Anime Series
Marvel - Madhouse Animation Studio (Japan)
Tony Stark goes to Japan to produce a new arc station and showcase a new Iron Man model, the Dio, that will replace him when he retires. However, the Dio goes out of control and it is up to Tony as Iron Man to stop it along with an organization called the Zodiac.
-Episode 1- [download]
-Episode 2- [download]
-Episode 3- [download]
-Episode 4- [download]
-Episode 5- [download]
-Episode 6- [download]
-Episode 7- [download]
-Episode 8- [download]
-Episode 9- [download]
-Episode 10- [download]
-Episode 11- [download]
-Episode 12- [download]
Anime Series
Marvel - Madhouse Animation Studio (Japan)
Tony Stark goes to Japan to produce a new arc station and showcase a new Iron Man model, the Dio, that will replace him when he retires. However, the Dio goes out of control and it is up to Tony as Iron Man to stop it along with an organization called the Zodiac.
-Episode 1- [download]
-Episode 2- [download]
-Episode 3- [download]
-Episode 4- [download]
-Episode 5- [download]
-Episode 6- [download]
-Episode 7- [download]
-Episode 8- [download]
-Episode 9- [download]
-Episode 10- [download]
-Episode 11- [download]
-Episode 12- [download]